Lifestyle Change


 I recently retired.  I’d been looking forward to it for quite a while.  We had plans to travel in a camper van that we had gotten a few years ago.  Two weeks before my scheduled retirement date, my wife was diagnosed with heart failure.  I left my job more abruptly than expected and we have been working on getting her healthy ever since.  It’s surprising how long it takes to get in to see doctors these days.  It took six weeks from the time that she was discharged from the hospital to get in to see a cardiologist.  But finally, here we are.  We’ve been adjusting her medication over the last month.  We’ve modified our diet to lower our sodium intake, which is a good idea even if you are healthy.  We have started walking every day.  We are now starting cardiac rehab.  They’ve already given us a wealth of information, Which we are happy to share.

This is not the journey that we expected to be taking at this particular time.  It is, however, a journey none the less.  There is much to learn along the way, not least of which is patience and hope.  This blog is a way of passing along what we learn along the way with the hope that it may resonate with you, the reader.  I expect it to be a composite of information and ideas that will morph into whatever the journey is becoming.

It’s not about the destination, but the journey.  Come join me.

One comment on “Welcome

  1. This sounds like it will be an informative and educational journey.
    I am honored to take part in your adventure. ❤❤❤

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